HIFA 2009 – here we go again
Right. It’s time for the Harare International Festival of the Arts to brighten our dusty little world, kiddies.
I remember promising Nomvula to put up a notice about the HIFAmigos thing, but I forgot, so my bad. Anywho, seen the programme, and already have a hard-on for Malaika and PJ Powers.
Will go through it and see what else is worth watching. I’ll tell you one thing though, I am, as usual, fecking excited.
This is gonna be fun.
This was probably the biggest highlight of my time in Zim.
HIFA was this strange whirlwind of sanity and culture that whisked into town one day, thrilled and excited for a week, and then vanished leaving only some good memories to combat the return to wacky elections and rumours.
Have fun dude and take lots of sneps…
Asa on Thursday @ 4 bells; is that ASA the Nigerian guitarist? If so, GO WATCH! coz that woman is doing what Tracy Chapman did with her debut album…and failed to match on the rest.
Yeah Alias, HIFA was awesome, you were like a kid in a toy shop. I laughed at the look on your face when you discovered FreshlyGround! LOL
Asa is back, yeah, she’s been before. Missed her last time, but I’ll take your advice.
PJ Powers baby, woohoo.