I’m not going to mince my words. I don’t know what went on in your life this past year. I don’t know what you achieved…
The slow and steady trickle of Wikileaked US embassy cables continue to make like interesting. Remember the story of the warthogs on the runway? We…
So I feel like a nice steak today. Maybe a thick sirloin, dry brined for an hour and cooked on the gas braai. Heaven. How…
Someone should get fired. Besides the fact that this model is INCREDIBLY flexible, looking at her left leg and the way it’s positioned, what’s happening…
In a little while from now, If I’m not feeling any less sour I promised myself to treat myself And visit a nearby tower, And…
Hi there, and welcome to Zimbabwe’s very first consumer complaints blog. I say very first as I’ve seen no evidence of anything close, and I…
For all of you who wanted to Free Willy.
Yeast infection pun competion starting … now. It was an orgy of runs.
This woman has to be the Worst African In The World!