SafeDIZ is a fledgling campaign to raise awareness of the need to remain safe while having fun during the festive season DIZ (December In…
So, here we are. The end of November. Silly season in Salisbury. The annual influx of snake-oil salesmen, the eloquent exaggerators with eccentric accents. The…
One of my favourite TV shows of all time, The Weakest Link, ended for good earlier this year. I’ve always loved Anne Robinson; the way…
So here we are. In the great saga that is my life story, there are a few stains that have marred my youth (that’s youth…
Imagine my surprise when I was alerted to this bullshit right here. Even The Guardian is involved the main culprit. In 2006, at a concert in…
I hear the weeping and wailing, the gnashing of teeth, the whining, the moaning and the outright begging. I don’t care about all that. I…
Yes, you. You’re the asshole zooming past me in the inside lane at breakneck speed, only to cut across and turn left. It’s you, isn’t…
Bulawayo. Good old “Blue Skies” or Skies for short. I haven’t been there in over four years. And I miss ya, I sure do. I…
This is a classic case of what boredom, and 35C heat, can do to a perfectly stable mind. The Leader’s on TV today, With something…
Thanks for that. Thank you, dear friend, for the WhatsApp message. Thank you so much for the long, loooong joke that took me five minutes…