I am tired. I wrote about this over on CONSUMERIZIM: In one move, Telecoms Minister Supa Mandiwanzira has managed to strike a body blow not…
The Harare International Festival of the Arts was very special to me and mine. Since it was first introduced, I have only missed one edition,…
Day 366 of year 37, 3rd rock from the sun, Milky Way Galaxy Captain Broken Jaw, Slapaho Tribe, of the Imperial Metaship feckaduck, 2 September…
Wednesday, 24 April, 2019. HARARE – Mild chaos nearly broke out in Harare yesterday, at a public hearing on the Cyber-Chimurenga War Credentials Bill, when suspected Flag Party…
So there are politics of Facebook friendship. Any activity is a potential minefield, be it posting a photo, a status update or (God forbid) changing…
People like things. That is a fact you cannot deny. There is a reason why the now-defunct (thank the gods) News of the World made…
How I feel about roora / lobola is pretty clear, but for those who don’t know, here it is. Lobola is archaic, abused, abusive and…
She pushed the nightmare away, shut her eyes tightly and buried her bruised face in the sweat-drenched pillow. Just a bad dream, she told herself.…
She strained back, arching her body so that her silky black hair almost brushed his legs. He felt her shudder deep inside, losing control one…