So there I was, sipping on an ice-cold Windhoek Lager whilst lounging on the sofa watching the BBC, when this news item caught my attention: Zimbabwe police seal of a suburb of Harare and fight running battles with…
Oh dear, we knocked Barcelona out the Champions’ League; whatever next?
I was planning a braai for my old schoolmate from the States for this past Sunday. So I went to Bon Marche Supermarket and looked…
So I hear someone’s talking about me. To call him a friend of mine would be a real stretch, but I believe (well, believeD) we had a civil relationship, and I’ve never expected any less than good company and the occasional beer out of it. But no. Black people always have to feck it up.
Tell me; should I even bother telling you about my weekend? Cos it was, you know, the usual stuff with the usual suspects…dorps Friday, rugby and football on Saturday, chillin on Sunday. Yeah, Sunday, the Dumb African Football Show! Okay, done to death.
Liverpool 2 – 1 Barcelona. Suck on that, you sunsafbichis!!!
First things first: the Stormers won! To all you haters and doubters, put that in your bong and smoke it! There’s a reason I’m looking…
The US Army belatedly realised they should have heeded the warning on Imhotep’s tomb…
So you think you’re special? You’re just another blogger, man. You’re just another tiny fish in an ocean whose depth and magnitude you can barely comprehend. You? Phytoplankton (look it up, fool).
Actually, these are about half the lessons I learnt over the weekend, but I thought these were the most pertinent. The rest aren’t really worth sharing, unless you wanna hear all about burnt spaghetti and how not to get laid.
Been watching a lot of DVD movies lately. Besides the fact I don’t currently have DSTV, the options are BTV and DeadBC, and I can only watch BTV on Thursday nights. West Wing, baby. ZBC? Never – at least not till the football season starts.
In addition to all the problems we’ve had recently with our hosting, from database hiccups to funny DNS changes, our mail hasn’t been working either. For the past three weeks.