Well, I can’t say I’ve been disappointed by the perfomance of the African nations so far (considering it IS the World Cup). I’ll just say this: they may be enthusiastic, but they sure lack a lot in skill and technique.
So the FIFA World Cup 2006 is here. Yippee – one month of football, international football too. I know this is the month where the wives tend to forget their hubbies’ faces, but thanks to the magic of ZTV Sportnet, most of the country’s menfolk will be hard pressed to find an excuse to leave the cabin for those 9pm matches!
One of Trevor’s friends threw a party on Saturday night. Now’s it’s been a while since I been to the JV, so I was keen to see what it’s like nowadays. And I was thirsty.
I’ve tried. I’ve done the whole legitimate thing, I’ve tried nine-to-fiving, watching DVDs, being faithful, learning to cook, that whole decent thing. And it ain’t my style. So…I’m getting my dreadlocks back.
Holy shit, Batman, it’s time to improvise. Why, you ask? I’ll give you why, dammit. Because the price of beer at the Scud & Nanny has hit $270,000-00, that’s why.
Strange thing about some bars: you can go there one day with one party, and have a pretty ordinary time. Go there another time, with a different team of players, and have a really good laugh. It helps if the bar’s name is something as ridiculously weird as “Billy Fudpucker’s”, which is Elvish for “I don’t know what to call my pub, and Tiperrary’s is taken”.
What could ever possess someone to bet on something so ridiculously skewed as a football match between Arsenal and Barcelona? I mean, is our economy that bad for us to turn to gambling AGAINST ALL ODDS just to get by?
Once in a while, you can have that weekend which defies all odds, which, for some unknown reason, transcends all expectations. Sadly, this last one wasn’t like that.
So I’ve got a new look going as you’ve already seen. I like it, it’s got a kinda…rusty…feel to it that I find attractive. Of course, my opinions don’t mean shit so you, dear people, get to tell me what to do.
Simple, if you think the new is better than, say, the last, let me know. I value your opinions (to an extent) so, as the English say, is it the dog’s bollocks (good) or is it bollocks (bad)?
The standard of editorial efficiency at Zimbabwe’s publishing and broadcasting houses is, for lack of a better word, shit.
I love things. And judging by what HIFA showed, I’m not the only one. The people came out in droves: locals from all walks, regional tourists and even a couple of jazz-loving, brandy-swigging Ozzies.
Rockin times at the festival last night. We saw Antonio Forcione on the main stage, man, this dude rocks. Absolutely the best guitarist I’ve seen live, no doubt.