This cartoon had me LOLing and ROTFLing all morning.
Dear Arsenal. You’re starting to scare me. Please stop. Regards A guy starting to hate Rafa Benitez
I mean seriously, a brotha should know when to lay the shovel aside and just stop digging . How many more periods of this brand of idiocy should the masses have to suffer? Has he not done enough already to get
himself a serious beat down? This would be on par with another kid being found in Michael’s bed. Or yet another middle class white kid disappearing from some villa in Portugal.
Over-share. We love to do it, don’t we? Especially after a nice afternoon spent watching New Zealand post a rugby century, and life is rosy, the place is humming and waitrons are getting prettier by the minute.
Wanted:Trillionaire. Octogenarians with faulty hearts/chronic illnesses/terminal illnesses preferred. Penchant for Viagra a must. Debonair good looks not a requirement. Numerous offspring essential (as this womb is not for hire). Own transportation required, wheelchair or hoist will do, as long as both are motorised.
Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.
Ah, the simple life. I admit I’ve been rather apprehensive regarding my new-found status as a single man in Harare. Being with one person so long, and never having to go through all that bullshit, has led me to view the ‘scene’ with some trepidation.
So it’s finally come to light that, without warning or prior notice, DSTV viewers in Zimbabwe will only be able to watch 1 live English Premiership football match a day.
Ooh, damn. The long weekend people, and it’s only ‘Saturday’! This one’s been harder than most, to be honest, cos I gots lots of shit goin’ on in every aspect of my life. Everything from job, love, location and across the whole spectrum is in a state of flux. And I’m not loving the upheaval, not a bit.
Harry Potter spoilers.
I just quit Facebook, and social networking websites in general. There’s really no need for them as far I’m concerned.
Koos: “Alright okes, we really need to come up with this new Springbok kit for our laaitjies going to France, ey!”