I know it’s wrong to kick a man when he’s down, and I know it’s trouble to rejoice in the misery of others. Oh, feck it – ManUre, you suck!
Something shocking happened to me this afternoon, and I’m not sure what to make of it? There I was, standing on the side of the road hiking to work: along comes a half-empty ZUPCO, which happily chugs past and leaves me to sweat it out in the midday sun!
..and the earth did shake with that thunder. This is a line from a book by Steven King, The Gunslinger. Lord Perth was a great king who fell in a long-ago battle, and this is from a poem in his honour. What’s the relevance, you say? Read on, dear friend.
Here I am stuck at work on a Saturday morning, when every sane person out there is either A: nursing a hangover or B: planning a hangover!
We had a power-cut on my block yesterday ’round noon, during a bit of rain and lightning. Lots of snap, crackle and pop around the power-lines, and some cables tangled in a huge tree. Result? An afternoon off work, and shit-all to do.
Having to watch that crap last night, Liverpool losing to Crystal Palace (bloody heck) was like stopping at the scene of a horrific car accident – you don’t really want to, but a certain morbid fascination keeps you glued.
Have you ever met someone, and they were all that and a bag of Lays? And you were like, wow, feck’s sakes, this one is hot, the shiz-nit, someone I can talk to, shamwari yangu and all that jazz? Yet at the same time forgetting the Golden Rule?
Guess what? Zambezi’s back in the Scud & Nanny, and I’m mighty glad to hear it. Methinks someone high up read AT’s post from the other day!
So, I watched a lacklustre and disorganised ManUre trying hard not to lose to Lille last night – how crap are they, eh? Somebody just put Lord Ferg out to pasture, cos if it was a gum-chewing competition, Fergie and Scholes would have strolled through it 🙂
So, my beloved DeMbare took on CAPS yesterday….and lost. 2-1 to those bastards? I mean come on lads, what does a guy have to do? Like, if you play like boozers, you get whipped like boozers.
Been too busy to post to my site, basically have had me balls in a vice at work. Besides, I’ve hardly had anything to say, you know how it is.
So, from Sunday I spent about 30 hours sitting at my desk, working. Yes, I know, but shit happens sometimes. And now I have this back-ache, I tell you my lower back feels like someone took a hammer to it. And that means I get…….a medicine ball!